
    Don’t Wait For Its Pokémon GO Moment

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    The Metaverse experiment didn’t drive the whole world crazy, but when my graduate school alma mater invited me to a webinar, “Careers in the Metaverse” The signs of trending business waves were unmistakable. After delving into the forecast deluge and talking to some experts, here’s a quick snapshot of what the market can expect from this promising technology.

    Prepare Now for the Slow and Steady Emergence of the Metaverse

    forester The analyst was candid about the Metaverse’s gating factor, writing, “The Metaverse needs a ‘Pokémon GO’ moment, and we won’t be seeing it in 2023.” A Forrester study found that the majority of online adults in the US (65%), UK (73%), France (67%) and Germany (65%) prefer in-person social experiences. Nonetheless, these analysts predicted that brands will “reimagine hybrid experiences for new revenue streams, insights, and customer engagement.”

    and Gartner, researchers ranked the metaverse 9th in the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2023. They advised companies to explore opportunities where Metaverse technology “can optimize their digital business or create new products and services.” In fact, connecting the physical and virtual worlds offers organizations a potentially lucrative window into the future.

    Martin Wezowski, chief futurist at SAP New Ventures and Technologies, said: “Imagine bringing your senses to the development of sustainable products and services. This goes beyond decorative avatars. Feedback allows organizations to get to market faster with fewer resources and more resilient and competitive products.”

    Gartner analysts, along with other experts, expect the metaverse to emerge in the next four to five years. they By 2027, more than 40% of large organizations worldwide will use a combination of Web3, spatial computing and digital twins in metaverse-based projects to increase revenue says.

    Exploring the value of metaverse business to industry

    McKinsey predicts that the metaverse could create up to $5 trillion in value by 2030, but it is unclear which business sectors will benefit the fastest.

    In a cross-industry IDC survey, nearly half (47%) of respondents said the metaverse was interesting and applicable to their company. IDC Researchers predict that by 2025, 20% of G2000 manufacturers will include the industrial metaverse in their digital transformation roadmaps to address advanced simulation, cross-domain collaboration, and safety. for the next two years, IDC Analysts say retailers are expected to integrate the development of visual search (65%) and metaverse/NFT capabilities (60%) into their commerce strategies. It says that by 2027, 20% of city products and services will be delivered using metaverse or augmented reality solutions, transforming service delivery, planning and simulation, and interaction with residents. These analysts predict that by 2028, one-tenth of large hospitals and one-eighth of medical education providers will have a presence in the metaverse to facilitate more immersive experiences for patients, students, and staff. are expected to be introduced on a trial basis.

    “Even if it takes five to ten years for the metaverse to evolve, companies won’t have long to wait,” said Wezowski. “Most industries will go through a series of intermediate steps. It is a socio-economic paradigm shift that unlocks value from understanding multi-layered interactions beyond capabilities: Instead of running algorithms from tables of data, decision makers can fully comprehend the interactions between many variables. It allows us to steer our business through faster, more creative innovation.”

    Forbes detailsSAP BrandVoice: Workplace Trends in the Metaverse: No one else can be you

    Metaverse Redefining Hybrid Work

    The metaverse is employee experience likewise. Working immersively in the augmented, virtual, and physical world could be the new definition of hybrid work. IDC Analysts say they have “permanent identities based on trusted data that are portable across multiple mixed reality worlds, supported by a fully decentralized business model with trusted exchange of value, giving users full power.” It’s about people who serve. Gartner researchers predict that by 2025, 10% of employees will regularly use virtual spaces, up from 1% in 2022. They predict that fully virtualized workspaces will account for 30% of his increased investment in metaverse technology and will “rethink” the office. Experience until 2027.

    If you don’t know where to start, think of the Metaverse as the natural evolution of the simplistic, yet far-reachingly revolutionary Internet experience that began in the last century. Many questions swirl about the business value of the metaverse, along with legitimate concerns about data privacy and integrity. The metaverse will require new infrastructure, tools like AR/VR, digital twins, and more, not to mention standards forester Analyst wrote: However, we are still in the very early stages of its development and rely on proprietary precursors that do not readily interact with each other. But that doesn’t mean organizations should sit still. Now is the time for lively dialogue and serious experimentation with what is possible in an immersive business environment with perforated boundaries that allow you to easily move between worlds.


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