
    The Power of Mindset: How Curiosity And Humility Can Drive Career Success

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    I recently finished writing a book on skills needed for the future. If I had to choose one skill to underpin all the other skills in this book, it would be the one I believe everyone should develop. It’s curiosity. In an ever-changing world, the desire to keep learning new things is essential for success.

    Education guru Sir Ken Robinson said, “Curiosity is the engine of achievement.” In other words, it is the natural driving force that propels us toward success and personal fulfillment. Where would we end up without that natural driving force? I’m probably stuck in a rut. Definitely boring. We are certainly being overtaken by changes in our work and industry. For this reason alone, we all owe it to ourselves to remain curious.

    In my book, I talk about two things that drive curiosity: humility and a growth mindset. Let’s take a quick look at both elements, why they’re so important to keep you curious, and how you can improve on these areas.

    the importance of humility

    Humility, freedom from pride and arrogance, is central to curiosity. Because being humble teaches us that we don’t know all there is to know. Humility is often confused with self-confidence or lack of self-confidence, but it’s actually the opposite. A humble person recognizes his strengths and weaknesses. They just don’t try to hide their weaknesses. This inner confidence keeps the humble person from being afraid of looking stupid or asking “silly” questions. It’s all part of growing up.

    There are several ways to practice humility.

    • Be honest with yourself. Be honest about your strengths as well as your weaknesses. Don’t rely on excuses, admit your mistakes and take responsibility. These mistakes and weaknesses show that you have room to grow.

    · Practice acceptance. Be honest about your shortcomings, but don’t be hard on yourself. Try to look at yourself without judgment or negative thoughts. Accepting yourself for who you are is the first step in learning how to be better and behave better in the future.

    · Practice active listening. Seeking feedback and actively listening to what others have to say is an important part of humility. But listen with an open mind. Let go of preconceived notions and preconceptions.

    · Recognize when you need help and ask for it. Likewise, don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know.” You don’t have to be the smartest person in the room.

    · Be comfortable with uncertainty. Admitting that you need help, that you’ve failed at something, or that you don’t know how to do something can be uncomfortable. The same goes for any kind of change. Instead of rushing to resolve or unravel these feelings when they arise, try to “take it easy”.

    growth mindset

    Psychologist Carol Dweck coined the term “growth mindset” in her groundbreaking book. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Dweck argues that success does not come from intelligence, talent, or education, but from having the right mindset. in particular, growth mindset. This is backed up by her years of research showing that the attitudes of her students, especially her attitudes towards failure and setbacks, have a significant impact on her grades.

    Growth-minded people believe in their ability to grow, improve, and learn. They see obstacles and failures as opportunities for growth. And most importantly, we believe that while everyone has unique qualities and traits, success comes from constant self-improvement and continuous learning. this is, Stereotype, believing that they are limited by fixed, inherent traits and abilities that cannot be changed or improved. Basically, with a fixed mindset, you either understand it or you don’t. But with a growth mindset, even the most basic skills can be developed with effort.

    How can you develop a growth mindset?

    · Read Carol Dweck’s book if you haven’t already. way to think. Next, consider where you currently stand on the growth mindset vs. fixed mindset spectrum.

    · See challenges and failures as opportunities for personal growth. It may be helpful to think about past challenges you’ve encountered and how they ultimately made you stronger or something better. After all, every athlete who has ever won a gold medal has undoubtedly experienced their fair share of injuries, losses, and setbacks along the way.

    ・Reward yourself for your hard work. A growth mindset prioritizes hard work and hard work over natural talent, so when you try hard at something, even if it doesn’t quite succeed, you feel motivated mentally and physically. I will give you a reward.

    · Embrace the power of “YET” as in, “I still don’t know how to do this.” With hard work, you will be able to achieve almost anything.

    · Pay attention to how others talk about their talents and rearrange your words accordingly. For example, instead of saying, “She’s really good at it,” you can say, “She must have worked really hard to get that skill.”

    · Be realistic. Learning a new skill requires hard work and perseverance. And that’s okay. Embracing travel is all part of a growth mindset.


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